German Translation

Adtrac AG

Branch Information und Consulting
Main-activity/Field Software, Informationstechnologie
Established 2020
Address Grazer Straße 10, 8130 Frohnleiten
Bubenbergstrasse 1, 8045 Zürich
Telephone +41 44 545 29 00
Contact Benjamin Wey

Company Profile

Adtrac is a Swiss startup specializing in the development and operation of software for the sale of Instore Retail Media advertising space.

The web-based ad sales platform by Adtrac enables retailers to sell their audience to suppliers, partners and third party advertisers in a simple, controlled and transparent workflow with automated ad operations and live tracking.

Whenever possible, Adtrac cooperates with sensor data providers and uses the data to trigger the ads and to calculate a high-resolution, AI-based data model of the audience behaviour. With this model, campaigns can be accurately planned and executed and enable the retailer to achieve unprecedented levels of inventory usage whilst securing high planning accuracy. There is currently no comparable product in DOOH advertising.

Adtrac was founded in January 2020 and employs data scientists, software engineers and media specialists. Adtrac’s software for a white label retail media marketplace is commercially implemented with 8-digit turnovers since January 2022.

Company Profile

Adtrac is a Swiss startup specializing in the development and operation of software for the sale of Instore Retail Media advertising space.

The web-based ad sales platform by Adtrac enables retailers to sell their audience to suppliers, partners and third party advertisers in a simple, controlled and transparent workflow with automated ad operations and live tracking.

Whenever possible, Adtrac cooperates with sensor data providers and uses the data to trigger the ads and to calculate a high-resolution, AI-based data model of the audience behaviour. With this model, campaigns can be accurately planned and executed and enable the retailer to achieve unprecedented levels of inventory usage whilst securing high planning accuracy. There is currently no comparable product in DOOH advertising.

Adtrac was founded in January 2020 and employs data scientists, software engineers and media specialists. Adtrac’s software for a white label retail media marketplace is commercially implemented with 8-digit turnovers since January 2022.