German Translation

epunkt GmbH

Established 2000
Employees 200
Address Harrachstraße 6, 4020 Linz
Telephone +43 732 61 12 21
Contact Daniel Marwan, Geschäftsführer

Company Profile

Products & Services

epunkt is the market leader in recruiting in Austria and Austria‘s Leading Company.

The recruiting company is managed by its owners. The number of positions filled by its customers each year is around 1,650, meaning that epunkt is showing a steady upward trend. When selecting its own employees, epunkt also relies on excellence.
Founded in 2000 by Daniel Marwan, today the company has around 200 employees with a strong growth trend.
epunkt is represented with locations in Linz, Vienna, Graz, Salzburg and Munich.
epunkt covers international personnel recruitment with its subsidiary Talentor International.

For almost 20 years, epunkt has accompanied clients in their search for the best experts and executives.

epunkt specialises in the following areas:

  • IT
  • Sales
  • Finance
  • Engineering
  • Digital

Company Profile

epunkt is the market leader in recruiting in Austria and Austria‘s Leading Company.

The recruiting company is managed by its owners. The number of positions filled by its customers each year is around 1,650, meaning that epunkt is showing a steady upward trend. When selecting its own employees, epunkt also relies on excellence.
Founded in 2000 by Daniel Marwan, today the company has around 200 employees with a strong growth trend.
epunkt is represented with locations in Linz, Vienna, Graz, Salzburg and Munich.
epunkt covers international personnel recruitment with its subsidiary Talentor International.

Products & Services

For almost 20 years, epunkt has accompanied clients in their search for the best experts and executives.

epunkt specialises in the following areas:

  • IT
  • Sales
  • Finance
  • Engineering
  • Digital