German Translation

FFG – Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft mbH

Established 2004
Employees 370
Address Sensengasse 1, 1090 Wien
Telephone +43 57755-0
Contact Henrietta Egerth und Klaus Pseiner, Geschäftsführer

Company Profile

Products & Services

The Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG is the national funding agency for industrial research and development in Austria.

As a “one-stop shop” in Austria the aim of FFG is to strengthen domestic companies in global competition to assure jobs and wealth sustainably.

FFG funding schemes play an important role in generating new knowledge, developing new products and services, and enhancing competitiveness in the global marketplace. They make it easier, or possible, to finance research and innovation projects, and help to absorb the risks involved in research. The FFG supports international networking and encourages careers in science.

A central aspect of FFG funding lies in encouraging cooperation between science and industry, and establishing Austria within international networks.

The FFG offers a number of thematic funding programmes for important economic or social topics which will shape our future lives. They include energy, cities and the environment, mobility, materials and production, information and communication technologies, safety and security as well as space. Many of these projects are undertaken by companies working together with research institutes or universities.
Research and innovation rely on state-of-the-art structures and infrastructures if they aim to produce the best results. FFG funding programmes range from establishing new research priorities through to creating major competence centres, as well as laboratories and special research infrastructures.
The FFG vigorously supports participation in European and international research programmes as well as networking across national boundaries. It acts as the National Contact Point for a variety of programmes like „Horizon 2020“ and „Horizon Europe“, and is actively involved in a range of European and international initiatives including many ERANETs and the Enterprise Europe Network.
The FFG runs the Global Incubator Network start-up programme (GIN AUSTRIA) together with the Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft aws and supports with TECXPORT (TEChnologie eXPORT) targeted new business opportunities in remote markets such as China, Indonesia and Taiwan.

Company Profile

The Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG is the national funding agency for industrial research and development in Austria.

As a “one-stop shop” in Austria the aim of FFG is to strengthen domestic companies in global competition to assure jobs and wealth sustainably.

FFG funding schemes play an important role in generating new knowledge, developing new products and services, and enhancing competitiveness in the global marketplace. They make it easier, or possible, to finance research and innovation projects, and help to absorb the risks involved in research. The FFG supports international networking and encourages careers in science.

Products & Services

A central aspect of FFG funding lies in encouraging cooperation between science and industry, and establishing Austria within international networks.

The FFG offers a number of thematic funding programmes for important economic or social topics which will shape our future lives. They include energy, cities and the environment, mobility, materials and production, information and communication technologies, safety and security as well as space. Many of these projects are undertaken by companies working together with research institutes or universities.
Research and innovation rely on state-of-the-art structures and infrastructures if they aim to produce the best results. FFG funding programmes range from establishing new research priorities through to creating major competence centres, as well as laboratories and special research infrastructures.
The FFG vigorously supports participation in European and international research programmes as well as networking across national boundaries. It acts as the National Contact Point for a variety of programmes like „Horizon 2020“ and „Horizon Europe“, and is actively involved in a range of European and international initiatives including many ERANETs and the Enterprise Europe Network.
The FFG runs the Global Incubator Network start-up programme (GIN AUSTRIA) together with the Austria Wirtschaftsservice Gesellschaft aws and supports with TECXPORT (TEChnologie eXPORT) targeted new business opportunities in remote markets such as China, Indonesia and Taiwan.