German Translation

LKD Licht Kommunal Digital GmbH

Established 1978
Employees 7
Export Volume
Export Volume 24 %
Address Münchner Bundesstraße 144, 5020 Salzburg
Telephone +43 662 423 514
Contact Alexander Sautner

Company Profile

Products & Services

The company was founded in 1973 by Gustav Schratzer and taken over by Sautner Holding GmbH in 2008. The focus is on luminaires with a high and maximum protection class for industrial, underwater, security, T-bar and public lighting. With the change of name to LKD Licht Kommunal Digital GmbH, the digital orientation was already taken into account in 2008.
The LED technology and the most modern control systems are the basis for lighting solutions that are developed at LKD. With the takeover of two general agencies for the entire EU area, the philosophy was continued outside of Austria.

Customers and partners from industry and the public sector rely on the competence and commitment of our employees. The LKD team relies on long-term and sustainable partnerships.

LKD – Light years ahead!

We position our high quality products through our highly qualified lighting technicians.

The most modern planning tools combined with the latest control technology and the appropriate customer-oriented advice deliver optimal lighting solutions for our customers and partners.

We offer you:

  • professional advice and conception
  • 2 certified lighting technicians, more than 20 years of experience
  • light planning in 2D, 3D, Revit up to video analysis
  • products from well-known international manufacturers
  • solutions from analysis to turnkey systems
  • solution guarantees over product life cycles
  • energy efficiency calculations, funding support
    – maintenance and support of your system

Under or over water, with or without control – LKD Licht Kommunal Digital GmbH is your partner for high quality lighting solutions.

Company Profile

The company was founded in 1973 by Gustav Schratzer and taken over by Sautner Holding GmbH in 2008. The focus is on luminaires with a high and maximum protection class for industrial, underwater, security, T-bar and public lighting. With the change of name to LKD Licht Kommunal Digital GmbH, the digital orientation was already taken into account in 2008.
The LED technology and the most modern control systems are the basis for lighting solutions that are developed at LKD. With the takeover of two general agencies for the entire EU area, the philosophy was continued outside of Austria.

Customers and partners from industry and the public sector rely on the competence and commitment of our employees. The LKD team relies on long-term and sustainable partnerships.

LKD – Light years ahead!

Products & Services

We position our high quality products through our highly qualified lighting technicians.

The most modern planning tools combined with the latest control technology and the appropriate customer-oriented advice deliver optimal lighting solutions for our customers and partners.

We offer you:

  • professional advice and conception
  • 2 certified lighting technicians, more than 20 years of experience
  • light planning in 2D, 3D, Revit up to video analysis
  • products from well-known international manufacturers
  • solutions from analysis to turnkey systems
  • solution guarantees over product life cycles
  • energy efficiency calculations, funding support
    – maintenance and support of your system

Under or over water, with or without control – LKD Licht Kommunal Digital GmbH is your partner for high quality lighting solutions.