German Translation

Steirerfleisch Gesellschaft mbH

Established 1966
Employees 750
Export Volume
Export Volume 35 %
Address Wolfsberg 1, 8421 Schwarzautal
Telephone +43 3184 29 22
Fax +43 3184 29 22 22
Contact Mag. Alois Strohmeier, CEO

Company Profile

Steirerfleisch is one of the leading food companies in Austria.
The company’s focus is on producing and distributing pork products.

Steirerfleisch has developed into a globally active group with several locations in several stages since its foundation in 1966. Although the Austrian market is the focal point of all its business, international sales opportunities have been continuously expanded. Investments are not just made in continuously expanding the existing locations but also in communication media and new, additional technologies.
A packaging plant currently under construction will start operations in 2020, with the investment focus being on opening up new opportunities to meet customer requirements under the banner of „Industry 4.0“.

Steirerfleisch’s efforts have received several national and international awards. The company carries the Styrian and Austrian coat of arms, among other things.

Company Profile

Steirerfleisch is one of the leading food companies in Austria.
The company’s focus is on producing and distributing pork products.

Steirerfleisch has developed into a globally active group with several locations in several stages since its foundation in 1966. Although the Austrian market is the focal point of all its business, international sales opportunities have been continuously expanded. Investments are not just made in continuously expanding the existing locations but also in communication media and new, additional technologies.
A packaging plant currently under construction will start operations in 2020, with the investment focus being on opening up new opportunities to meet customer requirements under the banner of „Industry 4.0“.

Steirerfleisch’s efforts have received several national and international awards. The company carries the Styrian and Austrian coat of arms, among other things.