German Translation

Würth Leasing GmbH

Main-activity/Field Finanzinstitute
Established 2016
Employees 20
Address Vienna Twin Tower, Turm A, 6. OG
Wienerbergstraße 11, 1100 Vienna
Telephone +43 120 555 15-0
Fax +43 120 555 15-99
Contact Georg Forstik, Ernst Eberhard & Georg Honzig

Company Profile

Products & Services

Würth Leasing Austria is part of the renowned German Würth Group, with leasing activities in Germany since 1993.

Würth Leasing Austria focuses on movable assets, -equipment and vehicle leasing.

As a sister company in Vienna, all competencies from price control, rating, approval, contract drafting to the termination of the leasing contract are on site.

As a bank-independent leasing company, we can respond very quickly in decision-making and processing, we are flexible and competitive.

The Würth Group is the world market leader in the trade of assembling and fastening products.

We are a family business established in 1945.

There are over 400 individual companies in more than 88 countries, with more than 78,000 employees worldwide.

Annual turnover 2019: 14.3 billion euros

Operating result 2019: 770 million euros

The international rating agency Standard & Poor’s classifies the Würth Group with A / Stable / A-1.

Our Business Areas

  • Leasing assets
  • Capital goods leasing
  • Vendor Leasing

Leasing assets

  • Machinery and equipment
    CNC processing systems, production systems, presses, printing machines, injection and casting machines, construction machinery
  • Communication and EDP
    EDP hardware, servers, printers, copiers, telephone systems
  • vehicles
    Cars, trucks, buses, semi-trailers, forklifts, trailers
  • Facilities
    Office furniture, workshop facilities, hotel facilities, storage facilities, shelves, care facilities
  • Tools
    CNC tools, power tools, moulds
  • Others
    Lightweight halls, cable cars, wind power and solar systems, business jets, boats, medical technology

Capital goods leasing

  • Contract types
    Full amortization contract
    Partial amortization contract
    Lease purchase agreement
    Sale and lease back contract

Vendor Leasing

Not only do we provide uncomplicated financing solutions for our customers, but as well to our customers‘ customers. That way we can contribute on increasing the sales for our customers.

Company Profile

Würth Leasing Austria is part of the renowned German Würth Group, with leasing activities in Germany since 1993.

Würth Leasing Austria focuses on movable assets, -equipment and vehicle leasing.

As a sister company in Vienna, all competencies from price control, rating, approval, contract drafting to the termination of the leasing contract are on site.

As a bank-independent leasing company, we can respond very quickly in decision-making and processing, we are flexible and competitive.

The Würth Group is the world market leader in the trade of assembling and fastening products.

We are a family business established in 1945.

There are over 400 individual companies in more than 88 countries, with more than 78,000 employees worldwide.

Annual turnover 2019: 14.3 billion euros

Operating result 2019: 770 million euros

The international rating agency Standard & Poor’s classifies the Würth Group with A / Stable / A-1.

Products & Services

Our Business Areas

  • Leasing assets
  • Capital goods leasing
  • Vendor Leasing

Leasing assets

  • Machinery and equipment
    CNC processing systems, production systems, presses, printing machines, injection and casting machines, construction machinery
  • Communication and EDP
    EDP hardware, servers, printers, copiers, telephone systems
  • vehicles
    Cars, trucks, buses, semi-trailers, forklifts, trailers
  • Facilities
    Office furniture, workshop facilities, hotel facilities, storage facilities, shelves, care facilities
  • Tools
    CNC tools, power tools, moulds
  • Others
    Lightweight halls, cable cars, wind power and solar systems, business jets, boats, medical technology

Capital goods leasing

  • Contract types
    Full amortization contract
    Partial amortization contract
    Lease purchase agreement
    Sale and lease back contract

Vendor Leasing

Not only do we provide uncomplicated financing solutions for our customers, but as well to our customers‘ customers. That way we can contribute on increasing the sales for our customers.