German Translation

InterCal Austria GmbH

Address Ferdinand-Jergitsch-Strasse 15, 9020 Klagenfurt
Career website
Career website
Telephone +43 664 6124010
Contact Dr. Stephan Kern, Valentina Pichler

Company Profile

Products & Services

InterCal Austria is part of the InterCal Group, which consists of 4 companies located in three countries – Slovenia, Croatia and Austria.

In Peggau, limestone for road and railroad construction has been quarried since 1893. In 1949, the plant came under the Wietersdorf sphere of influence, initially as Peggauer Zementwerke Alois Kern. With the takeover of Steirische Montan in 1993, w&p Kalk was founded, thus laying the foundation for the lime business segment. In 2009, the „state of the art“ Maerz GGR kiln, with a maximum capacity of 330 tons Quicklime per day, was put into operation. In 2021, all lime companies belonging to the Wietersdorfer Group were merged under the umbrella brand InterCal.

With digital support, limestone is now mined according to the most modern aspects and prepared in a washing plant for the further production steps in a resource-saving manner. The successive conversion from gas to wood dust (CO2 neutral) represents a further step towards ecological limestone production.

In Peggau, limestone, quicklime and hydrated lime are produced in various grain sizes up to finely ground powder for numerous agricultural and industrial applications.

In the steel industry, lime is used as a „reaction and cleaning agent“, and lime is also used in industrial waste gas and waste water treatment.

Today, lime is also increasingly used in civil engineering for soil stabilization.

Company Profile

InterCal Austria is part of the InterCal Group, which consists of 4 companies located in three countries – Slovenia, Croatia and Austria.

In Peggau, limestone for road and railroad construction has been quarried since 1893. In 1949, the plant came under the Wietersdorf sphere of influence, initially as Peggauer Zementwerke Alois Kern. With the takeover of Steirische Montan in 1993, w&p Kalk was founded, thus laying the foundation for the lime business segment. In 2009, the „state of the art“ Maerz GGR kiln, with a maximum capacity of 330 tons Quicklime per day, was put into operation. In 2021, all lime companies belonging to the Wietersdorfer Group were merged under the umbrella brand InterCal.

With digital support, limestone is now mined according to the most modern aspects and prepared in a washing plant for the further production steps in a resource-saving manner. The successive conversion from gas to wood dust (CO2 neutral) represents a further step towards ecological limestone production.

Products & Services

In Peggau, limestone, quicklime and hydrated lime are produced in various grain sizes up to finely ground powder for numerous agricultural and industrial applications.

In the steel industry, lime is used as a „reaction and cleaning agent“, and lime is also used in industrial waste gas and waste water treatment.

Today, lime is also increasingly used in civil engineering for soil stabilization.