German Translation

HYPO NOE Landesbank für Niederösterreich und Wien AG

Established 1888
Employees 789
Address 3100 St. Pölten, Hypogasse 1
Telephone +43 5 90910-0
Contact Florian Liehr, Pressesprecher & Leitung Kommunikation

Company Profile

Products & Services

Die HYPO NOE Landesbank für Niederösterreich und Wien AG is one of the oldest and largest regional banks in Austria, and offers all services required for comprehensive financial management.

They are a capable partner for the public sector, real estate, private and corporate customers within Austria. Their core market focuses on Lower Austria and Vienna, the rest of Austria and selected portions of the neighbouring CEE areas.
With countless branch offices in Lower Austria and Vienna, they ensure that private customers, freelancers and corporate customers receive optimal customer care when it comes to universal bank services.
The HYPO NOE is owned 100% by the state of Lower Austria and can therefore count on a stable and reliable owner.

The HYPO NOE’s branch offices ensure that private, freelance and corporate customers receive optimal service in their core markets of Lower Austria and Vienna. The products are matched to the bank’s core competencies and are divided into the rubrics ‘Financing and Living’, ‘Investing and Saving’ and ‘Accounts and Cards’.
The products include all classic bank activities, such as financing with a focus on residential construction, investment, in particular savings products and securities accounts and of course checking accounts and credit cards.
In addition to regular securities products, the HYPO NOE Group also offers a sustainable investment package in order to support ecologically and ethically oriented investment with selected fund products. Together with their partners, they have already hosted a series of training and product presentations designed to allow the broader public access to sustainable investment opportunities. The first milestone was reached at the end of the 2018 fiscal year, with a sustainable fund volume of over EUR 34 million.
For private customers, the focus is on the core competence of mortgage financing. By working closely together with the state of Lower Austria, the bank is able to offer customers financing and subsidy consultation from a single provider, ensuring sound advice and fast processing times. In addition, they are able to offer quick and straightforward consumer financing in cooperation with leading service providers.
Not only that, they plan to implement their debit mobile function in the fourth quarter of this year, providing customers with the option of cashless payment via smartphone.

The product portfolio focuses on financing within the areas of classic and social infrastructure, from real estate and corporate customers as well as from non-profit and commercial property developers.

The business segment Public Financing works within the Group to provide holistic and sustainable financing solutions for public sector customers. These solutions are largely focused on infrastructure investments in the areas of education (in particular kindergartens and schools) and administration, as well as water supply and waste water disposal. In light of the changing financing needs of Austrian states and municipalities, there is more demand for special finance models in the realm of public construction, for example operate-lease solutions in accordance with the ESA and public-private partnership models. Due to the increasing market demands, HYPO NOE Leasing GmbH has worked intensively to develop these products.

HYPO NOE offers both financing solutions for corporate customers as well as multiple payment service options. In addition, a separate, specialised team is responsible for structuring and product solutions – in particular development loans and export financing. In the 2nd half of 2019, an innovative web-based portal, Travic Port, will begin offering customers an additional feature for their payment transactions based on standardised interfaces.

Company Profile

Die HYPO NOE Landesbank für Niederösterreich und Wien AG is one of the oldest and largest regional banks in Austria, and offers all services required for comprehensive financial management.

They are a capable partner for the public sector, real estate, private and corporate customers within Austria. Their core market focuses on Lower Austria and Vienna, the rest of Austria and selected portions of the neighbouring CEE areas.
With countless branch offices in Lower Austria and Vienna, they ensure that private customers, freelancers and corporate customers receive optimal customer care when it comes to universal bank services.
The HYPO NOE is owned 100% by the state of Lower Austria and can therefore count on a stable and reliable owner.

Products & Services

The HYPO NOE’s branch offices ensure that private, freelance and corporate customers receive optimal service in their core markets of Lower Austria and Vienna. The products are matched to the bank’s core competencies and are divided into the rubrics ‘Financing and Living’, ‘Investing and Saving’ and ‘Accounts and Cards’.
The products include all classic bank activities, such as financing with a focus on residential construction, investment, in particular savings products and securities accounts and of course checking accounts and credit cards.
In addition to regular securities products, the HYPO NOE Group also offers a sustainable investment package in order to support ecologically and ethically oriented investment with selected fund products. Together with their partners, they have already hosted a series of training and product presentations designed to allow the broader public access to sustainable investment opportunities. The first milestone was reached at the end of the 2018 fiscal year, with a sustainable fund volume of over EUR 34 million.
For private customers, the focus is on the core competence of mortgage financing. By working closely together with the state of Lower Austria, the bank is able to offer customers financing and subsidy consultation from a single provider, ensuring sound advice and fast processing times. In addition, they are able to offer quick and straightforward consumer financing in cooperation with leading service providers.
Not only that, they plan to implement their debit mobile function in the fourth quarter of this year, providing customers with the option of cashless payment via smartphone.

The product portfolio focuses on financing within the areas of classic and social infrastructure, from real estate and corporate customers as well as from non-profit and commercial property developers.

The business segment Public Financing works within the Group to provide holistic and sustainable financing solutions for public sector customers. These solutions are largely focused on infrastructure investments in the areas of education (in particular kindergartens and schools) and administration, as well as water supply and waste water disposal. In light of the changing financing needs of Austrian states and municipalities, there is more demand for special finance models in the realm of public construction, for example operate-lease solutions in accordance with the ESA and public-private partnership models. Due to the increasing market demands, HYPO NOE Leasing GmbH has worked intensively to develop these products.

HYPO NOE offers both financing solutions for corporate customers as well as multiple payment service options. In addition, a separate, specialised team is responsible for structuring and product solutions – in particular development loans and export financing. In the 2nd half of 2019, an innovative web-based portal, Travic Port, will begin offering customers an additional feature for their payment transactions based on standardised interfaces.