German Translation

JES Elektrotechnik GmbH

Established 1990
Employees 13
Export Volume
Export Volume 40 %
Address Wiestal-Landesstraße 37, 5400 Hallein
Telephone +43 6245 81785
Fax +43 6245 81785-600

Company Profile

JES Elektrotechnik GmbH is a leading Austrian company specialising in environmental monitoring solutions for transport infrastructure.

JES develops, manufactures, installs and maintains tunnel sensors, road weather stations and gas warning systems for car parks.

For the major tunnel business, the product range covers all sensors required for the safe operation of a tunnel:

  • Visibility sensors (transmission and scattered-light)
  • Gas sensors for CO, NO, NO2 (electrochemical)
  • Air flow sensors (ultrasonic and differential pressure)
  • Pressure transmitters
  • Luminance meters
  • Lux meters

All sensors engineered and manufactured by JES are robust, precise, have low maintenance requirements and are made from the most durable materials. Experienced engineers tailor the optimum solutions for customers‘ applications. As a solution provider JES also offers to install, commission, maintain and calibrate sensors on-site.
For the last 30 years JES dedicated itself to ensuring a smooth project for its customers and supporting a reliable operation to achieve the lowest life cycle cost for road and tunnel operators. This uncompromising dedication made JES the preferred project and service partner of tunnel operators not only in Central Europe. As a member of the DURAG GROUP JES offers a worldwide sales and support network.
In 2021, its 30th year of operation, JES will launch its new smart/Sensor architecture bringing digitalisation of tunnel sensors to a new level.


The brand “JES” stands for the world’s best tunnel sensors, naturally from Austria!

Company Profile

JES Elektrotechnik GmbH is a leading Austrian company specialising in environmental monitoring solutions for transport infrastructure.

JES develops, manufactures, installs and maintains tunnel sensors, road weather stations and gas warning systems for car parks.

For the major tunnel business, the product range covers all sensors required for the safe operation of a tunnel:

  • Visibility sensors (transmission and scattered-light)
  • Gas sensors for CO, NO, NO2 (electrochemical)
  • Air flow sensors (ultrasonic and differential pressure)
  • Pressure transmitters
  • Luminance meters
  • Lux meters

All sensors engineered and manufactured by JES are robust, precise, have low maintenance requirements and are made from the most durable materials. Experienced engineers tailor the optimum solutions for customers‘ applications. As a solution provider JES also offers to install, commission, maintain and calibrate sensors on-site.
For the last 30 years JES dedicated itself to ensuring a smooth project for its customers and supporting a reliable operation to achieve the lowest life cycle cost for road and tunnel operators. This uncompromising dedication made JES the preferred project and service partner of tunnel operators not only in Central Europe. As a member of the DURAG GROUP JES offers a worldwide sales and support network.
In 2021, its 30th year of operation, JES will launch its new smart/Sensor architecture bringing digitalisation of tunnel sensors to a new level.


The brand “JES” stands for the world’s best tunnel sensors, naturally from Austria!