German Translation

AT&S - Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik AG

Address Fabriksgasse 13, 8700 Leoben
Telephone +43 3842 200-0
Contact Gerald Reischl, Director Communications & PR

Company Profile

Products & Services

AT&S is the global leader in high-end printed circuit boards and one of the world‘s leading manufacturers of IC substrates. AT&S is industrializing forward-looking technologies for its core business Mobile Devices, Automotive, Industrial and Medical.

By combining the core business with new technologies and entering a new stage in the value chain AT&S develops from a PCB manufacturer to an interconnection solution provider, thus creating sustainable growth and positioning itself for future market opportunities. With the provision of innovative solutions, the company acts as an enabler for new technologies such as 5G networks, IoT, autonomous driving or artificial intelligence.
AT & S has a global presence with production sites in Austria (Leoben, Fehring) as well as factories in India (Nanjangud), China (Shanghai, Chongqing) and Korea (Ansan near Seoul). The enterprise employed around 10,000 people in the financial year 2018/19 and generated sales of more than one billion euro.

AT&S offers innovative PCB and interconnection solutions for the use in a wide variety of high-tech areas.

The applications range from mobile communications and high-performance computers to modern driver assistance systems as well as industrial applications and health technology products.

Company Profile

AT&S is the global leader in high-end printed circuit boards and one of the world‘s leading manufacturers of IC substrates. AT&S is industrializing forward-looking technologies for its core business Mobile Devices, Automotive, Industrial and Medical.

By combining the core business with new technologies and entering a new stage in the value chain AT&S develops from a PCB manufacturer to an interconnection solution provider, thus creating sustainable growth and positioning itself for future market opportunities. With the provision of innovative solutions, the company acts as an enabler for new technologies such as 5G networks, IoT, autonomous driving or artificial intelligence.
AT & S has a global presence with production sites in Austria (Leoben, Fehring) as well as factories in India (Nanjangud), China (Shanghai, Chongqing) and Korea (Ansan near Seoul). The enterprise employed around 10,000 people in the financial year 2018/19 and generated sales of more than one billion euro.

Products & Services

AT&S offers innovative PCB and interconnection solutions for the use in a wide variety of high-tech areas.

The applications range from mobile communications and high-performance computers to modern driver assistance systems as well as industrial applications and health technology products.