German Translation

novacom software gmbh

Established 1992
Employees 30
Export Volume
Export Volume 25 %
Address 8990 Bad Aussee, Sießreithstraße 165
Telephone +43 3622 54780
Contact Alexander Kogler, Geschäftsleitung

Company Profile

Products & Services

novacom software gmbh was founded in 1992 in Bad ­Aussee (Styria / Austria). Today novacom is one of the leading software companies for hospitality solutions in the german-speaking area.
With the goal to translate ideas into new products and services, that increase customer’s benefit, novacom creates innovative high-end-solutions.
These solutions aim at building long-term customer relationships and guarantee boundless possibilities to expand due to its open software architecture. The modular construction allows a high grade of individualization. You get exactly the solution you need. No matter if it is just a simple POS-Software, a branch management solution or a complex network solution – NovaTouch® is your partner!
novacom offers POS-Software – Made in Austria.
Due to in house development, it is possible to take specific requests into account and to translate them to the customers needs.
With NovaTouch® POS the customers profit by the efficiency and competitiveness of a modern cash register and so they have more time for the essential part of running their business – namely their own guests.

  • NovaTouch®POS
    cash register system


  • NovaTouch®Control
    materials management


  • NovaTouch®Enterprise Manager
    data plattform solution


  • our services
    • consulting
    • installing & training
    • user help desk & technical services

Company Profile

novacom software gmbh was founded in 1992 in Bad ­Aussee (Styria / Austria). Today novacom is one of the leading software companies for hospitality solutions in the german-speaking area.
With the goal to translate ideas into new products and services, that increase customer’s benefit, novacom creates innovative high-end-solutions.
These solutions aim at building long-term customer relationships and guarantee boundless possibilities to expand due to its open software architecture. The modular construction allows a high grade of individualization. You get exactly the solution you need. No matter if it is just a simple POS-Software, a branch management solution or a complex network solution – NovaTouch® is your partner!
novacom offers POS-Software – Made in Austria.
Due to in house development, it is possible to take specific requests into account and to translate them to the customers needs.
With NovaTouch® POS the customers profit by the efficiency and competitiveness of a modern cash register and so they have more time for the essential part of running their business – namely their own guests.

Products & Services

  • NovaTouch®POS
    cash register system


  • NovaTouch®Control
    materials management


  • NovaTouch®Enterprise Manager
    data plattform solution


  • our services
    • consulting
    • installing & training
    • user help desk & technical services