German Translation

smartfactory @tugraz

Established 2017
Employees 12
Address 8010 Graz, Inffeldgasse 25/f
Telephone +43 316 873 7671
Contact Prof. Dr. Rudolf Pichler, Leiter smartfactory@tugraz

The smartfactory@tugraz is a Learning Factory which does R&D in the fields of digitalisation in manufacturing concerns.

It addresses students as well as people from industry who are interested in these future topics and who want to get deeper knowledge. For this the smartfactory@tugraz has got facilities which cover the whole process chain of manu­facturing and assembly of electro-mechanic products which finally is all networked by most up to date information- and communication technologies.
The smartfactory@tugraz is run by the Institute for Production Engineering of Graz University of Technology.
The funding was done by the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology as well as 20 partners of the local industry.

The focus of doing R&D is creating concepts for agility in manufacturing and infrastructural architectures for a data secure manufacturing.

Supplier independent robotics, data capturing systems for data analytics, integrated tool management and RFID-applications are additional topics of the portfolio for demonstrations. For the purpose of information and further education there are repeated events with specific topics, didactically prepared „show cases“ and for interested companies there are individual development programs. Together with the modern infrastructure and the scientific staff of the learning factory it is possible to run preliminary development projects in order to achieve important milestones in the digitalisation road map of the single companies.

The smartfactory@tugraz is a Learning Factory which does R&D in the fields of digitalisation in manufacturing concerns.

It addresses students as well as people from industry who are interested in these future topics and who want to get deeper knowledge. For this the smartfactory@tugraz has got facilities which cover the whole process chain of manu­facturing and assembly of electro-mechanic products which finally is all networked by most up to date information- and communication technologies.
The smartfactory@tugraz is run by the Institute for Production Engineering of Graz University of Technology.
The funding was done by the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology as well as 20 partners of the local industry.

The focus of doing R&D is creating concepts for agility in manufacturing and infrastructural architectures for a data secure manufacturing.

Supplier independent robotics, data capturing systems for data analytics, integrated tool management and RFID-applications are additional topics of the portfolio for demonstrations. For the purpose of information and further education there are repeated events with specific topics, didactically prepared „show cases“ and for interested companies there are individual development programs. Together with the modern infrastructure and the scientific staff of the learning factory it is possible to run preliminary development projects in order to achieve important milestones in the digitalisation road map of the single companies.