German Translation

Flughafen Wien AG

Established 1954
Employees 6.000
Address 1300 Wien, Flughafen
Telephone +43 1 7007-23000
Contact Peter Kleemann, Pressesprecher Flughafen Wien AG

Company Profile

Products & Services

Vienna Airport is Austria’s largest airport. It is an important aviation hub for flights to Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Asia thanks to its ideal geographical location.

Since 1992, Vienna Airport has been operated by the publicly listed company Flughafen Wien AG. The Flughafen Wien Group consists of three international airports i.e. Vienna Airport, Malta Airport and Kosice Airport in Slovakia as well as the Bad Vöslau Airfield. Vienna Airport is one of the largest employers in Eastern Austria, with a workforce of 6,000 people, and is thus an important growth driver and economic factor for the entire country. In 2019, Vienna Airport handled more than 30 million passengers arriving in or departing from Vienna, which comprises an all-time high. Since 2016, Vienna Airport has boasted a coveted award i.e. the 4-Star Airport Rating granted by Skytrax for its particularly high-quality services and facilities.

  • The business areas of the airport range from airport operations, ground handling and security services to a strong non-aviation segment encompassing the development and utilisation of retail and catering space and commercial properties as well as the marketing of parking and advertising space.


  • Featuring 100,000 square metres of real estate and numerous office and conferencing facilities, Vienna Airport has been transformed into an Airport City, an attractive site for business development and business location projects.


  • The 22,500 employees working for more than 230 companies have their own post office branch, kindergarten, fitness centre and health centre at their disposal in addition to a large number of restaurants.

Company Profile

Vienna Airport is Austria’s largest airport. It is an important aviation hub for flights to Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Asia thanks to its ideal geographical location.

Since 1992, Vienna Airport has been operated by the publicly listed company Flughafen Wien AG. The Flughafen Wien Group consists of three international airports i.e. Vienna Airport, Malta Airport and Kosice Airport in Slovakia as well as the Bad Vöslau Airfield. Vienna Airport is one of the largest employers in Eastern Austria, with a workforce of 6,000 people, and is thus an important growth driver and economic factor for the entire country. In 2019, Vienna Airport handled more than 30 million passengers arriving in or departing from Vienna, which comprises an all-time high. Since 2016, Vienna Airport has boasted a coveted award i.e. the 4-Star Airport Rating granted by Skytrax for its particularly high-quality services and facilities.

Products & Services

  • The business areas of the airport range from airport operations, ground handling and security services to a strong non-aviation segment encompassing the development and utilisation of retail and catering space and commercial properties as well as the marketing of parking and advertising space.


  • Featuring 100,000 square metres of real estate and numerous office and conferencing facilities, Vienna Airport has been transformed into an Airport City, an attractive site for business development and business location projects.


  • The 22,500 employees working for more than 230 companies have their own post office branch, kindergarten, fitness centre and health centre at their disposal in addition to a large number of restaurants.