German Translation

Mondi Frantschach GmbH

Address Frantschach 5, 9413 St. Gertraud
Telephone +43 4352 530-0
Fax +43 4352 530-77
Contact Elisabeth Wuggenig, Head of HR & Communication

Company Profile

Products & Services

Mondi Frantschach is a paper and pulp supplier for national and international packaging manufacturers and processing companies.

With almost 140 years of experience, the Frantschach plant is one of the leading manufacturers of kraft papers and specialty pulps. Three paper machines and a fiber line produce high-quality packaging paper and specialty market pulp. The majority of the products are produced on the two sack kraft paper machines PM6 and PM8, one-sided smooth kraft papers are produced on the PM7. An innovative pulp technology forms the basis for an excellent quality of sack and sack kraft paper production. The location has its own research and development laboratory, whose know-how Mondi uses worldwide.
Mondi Frantschach is a company of the Mondi Group and, with 450 employees, is one of the most important employers in the region.
Every year, more than 1.4 million m3 of wood, mainly from Austrian forests, is recycled in the factory, with more than 90% of the products being exported to Europe, Africa and Asia.

  • Sack Kraft Paper
  • Kraft Paper
  • unbleached Market Pulp

Company Profile

Mondi Frantschach is a paper and pulp supplier for national and international packaging manufacturers and processing companies.

With almost 140 years of experience, the Frantschach plant is one of the leading manufacturers of kraft papers and specialty pulps. Three paper machines and a fiber line produce high-quality packaging paper and specialty market pulp. The majority of the products are produced on the two sack kraft paper machines PM6 and PM8, one-sided smooth kraft papers are produced on the PM7. An innovative pulp technology forms the basis for an excellent quality of sack and sack kraft paper production. The location has its own research and development laboratory, whose know-how Mondi uses worldwide.
Mondi Frantschach is a company of the Mondi Group and, with 450 employees, is one of the most important employers in the region.
Every year, more than 1.4 million m3 of wood, mainly from Austrian forests, is recycled in the factory, with more than 90% of the products being exported to Europe, Africa and Asia.

Products & Services

  • Sack Kraft Paper
  • Kraft Paper
  • unbleached Market Pulp